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  • Lab Single-Channel Potentiostat /Galvanostat
  • Lab Single-Channel Potentiostat /Galvanostat
  • Lab Single-Channel Potentiostat /Galvanostat
Lab Single-Channel Potentiostat /GalvanostatLab Single-Channel Potentiostat /GalvanostatLab Single-Channel Potentiostat /Galvanostat

Lab Single-Channel Potentiostat /Galvanostat

  • product name:Single-channel potentiostat /Galvanostat
  • AOT- CS350M
  • Brand Name. AOT
  • Product Orgin:China
  • Product description: Potentiostat/Galvanostat/FRA/ZRA Maximum Current: ±2A Current range: ±2nA ~2A, 10 ranges Applied Potential: ±10V(can be customized to ±12V) Compliance voltage: ±21V Built-in EIS/FRA, EIS range: 10μHz~

Model CS350M single-channel potentiostat/galvanostat consists of a DDS arbitrary function generator, a potentiostat/galvanostat and an FRA. With the help of built-in dual 24-bit Delta-sigma AD converters, it achieves excellent stability and high potential (1mV) and current(1pA) resolutions. CS350M has been widely applied in corrosion, energy, material and analysis electrochemistry. In addition, via current booster. CS350M can increase its output current up to 20A/40A/100A.\


Support 2-, 3- or 4-electrode systemPotential and current range: Automatic
Potential control range: ±10V(can be customized to ±12V)Current control range: ±2A
Potential control accuracy: 0.1%×full range±1mVCurrent control accuracy: 0.1%×full range
Potential resolution: 10μV (>100Hz),3μV (<10Hz)Current sensitivity:1pA
Rise time: <1μS (<10mA), <10μS (<2A)Reference electrode input impedance:1012Ω||20pF
Current range: 2nA~2A, 10 rangesCompliance voltage: ±21V
Maximum current output: 2ACV and LSV scan rate: 0.001mV~10,000V/s
CA and CC pulse width: 0.0001~65,000sCurrent increment during scan: 1mA@1A/ms
Potential increment during scan: 0.076mV@1V/msSWV frequency: 0.001~100 kHz
DPV and NPV pulse width: 0.0001~1000sAD data acquisition:16bit@1 MHz,20bit@1 kHz
DA Resolution:16bit, setup time:1μsMinimum potential increment in CV: 0.075mV
IMP frequency: 10μHz~1MHzLow-pass filters: covering 8-decade
Operating System: Windows 10/11 Interface: USB 2.0
 Weight / Measurements: 6.5kg, 36.5 x 30.5 x16 cm






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